Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May Goals

Iridescent clouds near Lafayette Reservoir April 26th.
So for whatever reason, I took the month of April off from running.   I was active (I increased the number of days I commuted by bicycle) and did a couple of exploratory hill runs in San Francisco; however I amassed just only 30 running miles in total.

I can say I was pretty busy in April, with family visiting, increased hours in volunteer work, etc.  I also wanted to give my Achilles a bit of a break. 

You also probably noticed that there has been no new post since Way Too Cool 50K.  That should give a bit of an insight in how inspired I have been to run.  Also, remember when I was excited to run the Diablo Challenge 50K this year? I didn’t even care that I missed it.

Needless to say, this was a great time to take the physical and mental break from running.  Over the years, I have found that I can get pretty obsessive compulsive with my activities.  I found that when most, if not all my conversations center around an activity, I need to shut it down and regain some perspective.  And to be honest, I have enjoyed the time off.

Yeah yeah yeah…..  heard all of this before….

Now, it is time to get prepared for the 12 hour endurance run in July.  This means that goals are to be set.  They are as follows:

  • Running mileage -  100 miles in May, 160 miles in June
  • Cycling mileage -  average no less than 60 miles a week in May,  the full 85 miles a week in June
  • Have some semblance of a basic core workout
  • Move from my current 215 lb. weight to 189 by July 12th – primarily adjusting my Macro nutrient ratio and cutting out the bread and pasta for higher quality carbs.  Also, I am cutting out beer and Diet Coke (will have to go through withdrawals from my Diet Coke habit).

So those are the goals.

By the way, the pictures found on today’s post are of a couple of iridescent clouds that I spotted on my run around the Lafayette reservoir last Sunday.  I really didn’t know what I was looking at until I got home and did some research.  Why there were so far south, I don’t know.  But they were sure spectacular.  What fun things you see trail running!
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