Saturday, April 29, 2017

Getting back into it

Start, stop, repeat.

So have you ever caught yourself in your own version of the movie Groundhog Day?  What I am specifically talking about is getting the motivation to get going, get moving.  You know you need to find ways to de-stress.  You know you enjoyed trail running and it greatly helped.  You loved cycling until it became your primary mode of transportation to and from work.  You even loved writing this blog as a way to get your words on paper.   All of this helped de-stress.

But what happens when life just gets in the way.  You are back working at a company you enjoy, but this time you, in the words of Lin Manual Miranda, "Not going to blow this shot!"  Yours schedule and priorities shift.  When you are working to get the help your son needs in school because of his own anxieties and ADHD, you shift focus.

Well, here I go again, trying to revive this blog, trying to get back and enjoy running and cycling.

I am back to basics, just like I was 10 years ago.  Of course this means I am 10 years older and two years from 50.  I always wanted to do a 50 miler when I am 50; however, there is absolutely no way in my current physical condition. But there is enough time to at least get back to doing 50K's by that time and who knows if I can even achieve that scary elusive but seductive 50 miler.

So my current and humble goals are as follows:

  • Run the Bear Creek Trail 5K in 35 minutes.  This is in August
  • Run the Walnut Festival 5K in 29 minutes.  This is in late September
  • Run a 10K in October like the Rocky Ridge or Lagoon Valley
  • Surf City Half Marathon February 4th, 2018
And I do have one week of running down.  I have found a nice 2.8 mile trail loop to run.  It has a little bit of elevation and will be nice to run laps later as I get back my endurance.  Anyway, that catches me up.  Now off to the trails.
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